Welcome To Hogworts School of Magic

Welcome to Hogworts!

The site is up!
Feel free to do anything. Even though there's not to much to do. You could be a student or a teacher.

Some notices
For those of you who are going to be students please take note that there will be breaks like Hogworts.
The site school will begin on Sept. 1. Unless we do not have enough teachers for it.

For sorting you will anwer the questions than e-mail the anwers to la2ur2a@yahoo.com or da_flute_player@hotmail.com
1. How would you describe yourself?
a. Brave
b. Smart
c. Hardworking
D. pateint

2. Which house would you want to be in?

3. Which would you do if your friends life was in jeperdy?
a. Risk your life for your friend
B. Get your friend and go to the Hopstipal to make sure their ok
C. Get your friend and get out of there before you get hurt to
4. What would you want your name for the site to be?

I know its a little short. But still it will be a hard decission.
You will either get a letter from me or the Deputy headmistress to let you know which house you are sorted into.

Be sure and visit Moonprincess page! One of them is a teacher here and has been very helpful.
